Tribute To Karunesh - Zen Breakfast on Loop | 1 Hour Meditation Music | Peaceful Mind | Inner Peace

The energetic body refers to a complex web of interactions of energy centers in The Physical Body corresponding to what Hindus call “chakras“. The primary centers are located in the center of the brain (6th chakra), the heart (4th chakra) and the belly (2nd chakra) with secondary centers at the top of the head (7th crown chakra), throat (5th chakra), solar plexus (3rd chakra) and base of the spine (1st chakra). The energetic body loses power when any or all of these centers become depleted, drained, exhausted, over-stimulated, unstable, and/or disengaged (inert and latent). On Activation of the Energetic Body 1)The energetic body carries the power necessary for bringing dreams into manifestation. The two chief drains to the energetic body are a) courtship compulsion and b) self-pity. Remove these two sources of powr loss and the energetic body regenerates itself. Physical exercises also wake up the energetic body. 2) After you’ve increased your energy, we are able to practice i
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