Beautiful Song - Krishna Das - Sri Argala Stotram - Show Me Love

Purchase Album links Amazon - Itunes - Picture - Making of Kirtan Wallah- His new release, “Kirtan Wallah,” is the CD in heavy rotation these mornings. And it’s the weirdest thing. The music begins and, five seconds later, I feel like I’m… home. I start writing, sometimes through tears. Good tears: I’m crying for happy. My hand is being held. I have the hope of writing better than I’m capable of. With the release of his 14th album, Kirtan Wallah one who sings kirtan, KD offers a westward-leaning album, fully embracing his American roots in rock and country and yet embodying the spirit ...of deeply devotional Indian chants. There are some traditional melodies that would be right at home in an Indian temple, his rich baritone voice and harmonium leading the chants. But at its heart, this album is a natural confluence of KD s musical streams, bansuri flute weaving its way through acoustic guitars and country swing, and tabla and kartals underscoring melodies that would fit well in the Townes Van Zandt catalog. Remarkable is that this fusion has simply tumbled out naturally from KD s years of chanting to the chords of his heart, effortlessly pulling worlds together, drawing a heart-connection between Bengali kirtan & rock, between the Kumaon Hills and Nashville. Sri Argala Stotram (Selected Verses) / Show Me Love is a mash up of traditional Hindu prayer and Foreigner s rock ballad I Wanna Know What Love is ; Saraswati written by Russian pop icon Boris Grebenschikov is complete with acoustic guitars reminiscent of the Stones; I Phoned Govinda and 4AM Hanuman Chalisa are explorations of Nashville country. While it s certainly noteworthy that as he evolves as a kirtan wallah, KD continues to move closer to his Western roots, the heart of this latest album is still in the Names that he s singing. Kirtan is the spiritual practice of calling out to the Self through these Divine Names, and the depth of KD s devotion to this practice is revealed in his singing. Translation to this song I want to know what love is I want you to show me I know to feel what love is I know you can show me *Note, to the artists if you want this track removed please send me a pm and I will take it down immediately
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