Faster Versions Using Expressions and Master Properties in After Effects

Create an expression to automatically pull data from different fields in a CSV file! →_→ Download The Project File: #After_Effects *** What you learned: How to write an expression to automatically pull data from different fields in a CSV file Link a CSV to the text in a composition! 1. Add the CSV into the composition! 2. Use the Property Link Pick Whip from the source text of a Master Property to link it to a field from the CSV! Customize the expression to automatically pull from the next row as the name of the composition updates! 1. Rename the composition to match the name of the column in the CSV! 2. Change the last bracket of the expression to say (). 3. Duplicate the composition in the Project panel, and each time the name changes the last number of that comp, the expression will now pull from the next row in the CSV! *** ➤ Note, Before you start watching, notice that this tutoria
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