Red Alert 2 | Desert Prairie | (7 vs 1 + Superweapons)
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Command and conquer Red Alert 2 Yuri’s Revenge is a real time strategy game. The game allows you to play as the Allies or the Soviets, And in the expansion version, the option to play with Yuri was added.
- Download links -
Download the map in this video:
To add the old RA2 playlist for Yuri’s Revenge expansion, download the next rar file and extract it and replace the files into you’r RA2 folder:
For harder AI download the next zip file and extract it into your RA2 folder: (PAY ATTENTION - in order to delete the mod you need to REINSTALL Red Alert !!!!):
- More Red Alert 2 videos -
7 vs 1 gameplay:
Extra hard AI videos:
Red Alert 2 Soundtrack:
Other Command and conquer games - visit my channel:
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Attempt 1 00:00
Attempt 2 16:03