How To Draw A Telescope Step By Step DIY Tutorial

#simpleart #telescope #space 🎨HOW TO DRAW a Strong Bull with this video tutorial in 4 minutes step by step. A telescope is a device that allows you to observe distant objects by collecting electromagnetic radiation. According to the type of radiation, several types of telescopes are distinguished: optical, radio telescopes, x-ray and gamma-ray telescopes. Gravitational wave and neutrino detectors are also sometimes referred to as telescopes. The inventor of the first optical telescope is considered to be the Dutch master Hans Lippershey from Middelburg, although sometimes the authorship is attributed to his neighbor, Zachary Jansen. The telescope officially appeared in 1608, and the very next year, Galileo assembled a triple spotting scope from lenses and began to study the sky. Currently, there are three types of optical telescopes: lens, mirror and mirror-lens.
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