(I’m In Love With A.....) KILLER! MEP

MY SECOND MEP ON THIS CHANNEL! :D This is my first Yaoi Mep, I hosted^^ I hope you enjoy it! Congraz to the AMAZING parts of the editiors! And thank you soooo much for took part! :D PARTS: 0:00 - 0:07 DreaminMidori // INTRO 0:07 - 0:20 xXcrazyZickeXx59 // (Durarara) 0:21 - 0:33 DreaminMii // Eren x Levi (SnK) 0:33 - 0:46 IMelonXx // Sasuke x Naruto (NS) 0:46 - 1:00 bloosome // Ciel x Sebastian (BB) 1:01 - 1:16 bloosome // Ciel x Sebastian (BB) 1:16 - 1:29 CandyMuffiin // DRAMAtical Murder 1:30 - 1:4
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