The Secret Life of the Capybara

Capybaras are without exaggeration the largest rodents in the world. Judge for yourself. The parameters of these “cuties“ are as follows – 1.5 m in length and up to 60 cm in height. And the weight of one individual can reach 65 kg. For reference, beavers can weigh 32 kg. In general, there should be a lot of good animals. Capybaras are a great example of this. These guys can’t live without water. After all, this is the only place where they can hide or relax in peace. This lifestyle could not but affect the appearance of capybaras. That is why they have webbed paws, and their eyes, ears and nostrils are located on the top of their heads. Yes, yes, like hippos. And capybaras can hide under water for up to 5 minutes in case of danger. In fact, a lot of people threaten the water pigs. Anacondas, caimans, jaguars and even vulture–urubu birds of prey are not averse to eating them. However, the latter are only interested in capybara cubs. The “kids“ of vodosvinok, by the
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