Round Five was a struggle all day, just felt so uncomfortable on the slick track. Excited to turn things back around at Round 6! 📸 @blitzed_images Thanks again for all the support! #PrivateertoPro Partner Discount Codes: MyPITBOARD Australia: “JEYOUTUBE“ for 10% off the VM1.2 Bundle FUSPORT use “joelevans_81“ for 5% discount Flowvision use “JOEL81“ for 15% off Thank you for supporting those who support me! 1:1 & GROUP COACHING AVAILABLE!! Check out my calendar: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...Instagram: @joelevans_81 Facebook: Joel Evans #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bunch of you guys have been asking me to start up a Patreon so you can help out with my progr
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