Vital Insights: The Future Of Veterinary Monitoring With MeasureOn! - Steven Garnett | VETchat

Joining Anthony for this episode of VETchat by The Webinar Vet is Steven Garnett, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Advisor at Vet Measure. In this episode, Anthony and Steven discuss Vet Measure’s MeasureOn! Wearable. MeasureOn! is a wireless monitor for use in dogs that continuously measures and records temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate along with activity level while in use. They talk about how it is an easy way to get accurate vitals and monitoring whilst not stressing out the patients and how it takes some variables out of the equation. Anthony asks if this is something that can used long-term for at-home monitoring and suggests how referral hospitals use it for improving patient wellbeing with overnight care. Finally, Steven talks us through how easy the device is to use, the different harness sizes, the battery life, and where to purchase one. Find out more about MeasureOn! here 👉 Thank you to VetMeaure for sponsoring this episode. Listen to more episode of VETchat by The Webinar Vet here 👉 #thewebinarvet #veterinary #podcast #vetchat
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