COVID-19: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joins “Green Pass” protest in Italy

Prominent COVID-19 anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Saturday joined Italians protesting the “Green Pass,“ as Italy reported 53 coronavirus deaths and 8,544 new cases. “They are taking those rights and they will never give them back unless we make them,“ the leader of the organization Children’s Health Defence and nephew of former U.S. president John F. Kennedy told some 7,000 protesters gathered in Milan. Waving Italian flags and chanting slogans like “hands off the children,“ the demonstrators expressed their opposition to the Green Pass, a mandatory certificate for all workers in the country. “It’s clearly an instrument for controlling the money supply, controlling individual movements, controlling our kind of new digitalized economy,“ Kennedy told Reuters. The measure was approved by the Italian government in September, making it obligatory from Oct. 15 for all workers to show proof of either vaccination, a negative test or recent recovery from infection. About 65 per cent of the populat
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