Covent Garden LIVE : music performed by Louise Alder, Toby Spence, Gerald Finley; dance choreographed by Wayne McGregor

Benjamin Britten: On this Island (1937, to five poems by W.H. Auden), performed by Louise Alder George Butterworth: Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad (1911, to poems by A.E. Housman), performed by Toby Spence Ballet Interlude: New pas de deux, choreographed by Wayne McGregor to Richard Strauss Morgen! no.4 (1894, to the poem by John Henry Mackay). Louise Alder (soprano) and violinist (tbc). Performed by Francesca Hayward and Cesar Corrales Mark-Anthony Turnage: Three Songs (2000, to texts by Stevie Smith, Thomas Hardy and Walt Whitman), performed by Gerald Finley arr. Benjamin Britten: The Crocodile (1941, to a traditional text and melody), performed by Gerald Finley Gerald Finzi: Fear No More the Heat o’ the Sun no.3 (1929, to a text by William Shakespeare), performed by Gerald Finley George Frideric Handel: ‘Tornami a vagheggiar’ (from the opera Alcina, 1735), performed by Louise Alder Georges Bizet: ‘Au fond du temple saint’, performed by Toby Spence and Gerald Finley
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