VW Golf 8 – too much cost cutting? – comparison with Golf 7.5 - comparison is valid for EUROPE trims
Is the new VW Golf 8 really better than its predecessor? Or has VW used to much cost cutting when designing the new Golf 8?
Despite using the same MQB platform as its predecessor, VW Golf 8 has made a progress in safety systems (Travell Assist) and some of the technology (48V mild hybrid), but in this video I will focus on a few issues that I have with the new VW Golf 8, especially lack of physical buttons for almost all controls.
Je novi Golf 8 res boljši kot njegov predhodnik? Ali je VW uporabil preveč kleščenja stroškov pri načrtovanju in proizvodnji novega Golfa 8?
Kljub temu, da uporablja isto MQB platform kot njegov predhodnik, je VW Golf 8 napredoval pri asistenčnih sistemih (Travel Assist) in drugi tehnologiji (48V hibridni sistem), vendar se bom v tem videu osredotočil na nekaj stvari, ki mi niso všeč pri VW Golf-u 8, še posebej na manjko fizičnih gumbov za nastavitve.