Japanese ramen that won the New York Ramen Contest for the second time! 麺屋二郎 ラーメン 拉面 일본의라면

hello! “Japanese Kitchen Tour“. This channel introduces Japanese food culture, chef skills, and Japanese food. In addition to traditional Japanese cuisine (sushi, ramen, udon, soba, sashimi, stalls), we will also introduce Japanese street foods and sweets. This time, I would like to introduce the ramen shop “Menya Jiro” located in Kokura, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture. This is a ramen shop born in Kagoshima that has won the New York ramen contest twice in a row. I will introduce in detail from the state of preparation. Please take a look to the end! [ Menya Jiro Official Homepage ] こんにちは! 「ジャパニーズキッチンツアー」。 このチャンネルは、日本の食文化や料理人の
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