Guitar, violin and handpan

Turiya Sound feat. Atmanlove - My Way (acoustic) This music was written for meditation. But it is also suitable for raising and maintaining mood during the day. This music is about love, joy, hope and bright memories. It’s like a “hello” from the past. The music is autumn, and the photo was taken two years ago in Foros. Then Andrei Fazleev (guitar), Elena Ozerova (handpan) and I (violin) were in the Crimea at a dance festival. So many changes and joyful moments were that summer and autumn. Music and picture for me were connected like this. Leaving sun, salt, pebbles, waves and wind. I want to add the sound of the sea in the background :) Hello everyone, who else or either on the seas, and those who stayed on the shore! :) This music is improvisation of Andrew Fazleev (guitar), Lena Ozerova (handpan) and by me (violin).
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