Ironlak Team Australia | NEW YORK CITY 2010 - Part One. (Feat. Jaes, Augor & Enue).

To celebrate the 5th anniversary of the original Australian Ironlak Team, the team members; Reals, Linz, Sofles, Sirum and Tues travelled to New York City. This is part one of their adventures, getting down and dirty in The Bronx on a wall with Ironlak Team USA members; Jaes, Augor and Enue. Thanks to Cope 2 for hooking up the wall. Much love to Merk, Slin and Kerz. Special shout outs to impromptu guests Block Controllers and the Wolf Squad Auto Club for keeping our visit interesting. Shot: Luke Shirlaw - Cut: Selina Miles - Music: Nas, Thief’s Theme. Stay tuned for part two.
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