U-2 TRIAL - 1960 | Movietone Moment | 8 July 2022

On this day in 1960, the US pilot of a U-2 Spy Plane Francis Gary Powers was charged with espionage in a Soviet Union court. Here is a British Movietone report with highlights of the trial. It was the Hall of Columns in Moscow, where Francis Gary Powers, pilot of the American “U2“ spy-plane, shot down over Russia, faced the judges with composure. Gary’s wife and parents were in court for most of the time. The sentence: 10 years. ® Also seen in Moscow, the Press conference given by the Space Dogs Strelka and Belka. Having whizzed round the earth 17 times at a height of 200 miles, they were safely back with quite a story to tell, if only they could tell it! GV Hall of Columns. MS Powers. LS judges. Prosecutor General Roman Rudenko. CU Mr Grinev. GV audience. MS foreign press. MS Powers’ parents and wife. General shots. ® Dogs - Press conference. General shots of space dogs - Strelka and Belka. Shots of both dogs. ® ® see story number 80917/2, 80917/3 for cuts Disclaimer: British Movietone is an historical collection. Any views and expressions within either the video or metadata of the collection are reproduced for historical accuracy and do not represent the opinions or editorial policies of the Associated Press. You can license this footage for commercial use through AP Archive - the story number is BM80917. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: Tumblr: ​​ Instagram:
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