How to Make House interior | Home Decoration Wall Light | Decorative Wall Lamp Ideas

How to Make House interior Home Decoration Wall Light Decorative Wall Lamp Ideas Light buy link Join this channel to get access to perks: india #Roomdecor #Handcraft #bestideasforlight #Decorativelamp #tutorial Material Requirement 👉7cm diameter pvc pipe 👉Black spray color 👉3w LED 👉Led Heat-shink 👉LED Adaptor (driver) use products buy link 👉 Dimand bits 👉 Dimand bits (carbetic bits) 👉 Cuting blade 👉11mm Transparent Glue Stick 👉Pvc pipe cutter 👉 3w led with heatsink and lence 👉Led bulb 👉Bulb Holder 👉2 pin wire ( Light testing wire ) 👉Glass cutte...r 👉3w RGB LED 👉 Angel Grainder 👉 Color pebble, stones 👉On/off for color change Led 👉Vinyl sticker 👉1to3w Driver 👉Heat Gun 👉1w led bulb 👉 1w Color Led 👉4v DC (Operated) 👉Heat sink (led bulb) 👉Fast glue 👉 Diffuser sheet 👉6mm dimand bitt 👉Die grinder rotary machine 👉Black spray color 👉1w led with heatsink 👉Male and Female Connector 👉5mm multicolour led 👉Led strip ( warm white ) 👉 RGB LED STRIP 👉Led strip 12v Adupter 👉Paper cutter 👉4w aluminium strip led 👉3w Led DOB business India Many business opportunities are very promising and very beneficial, but sometimes you do not see that the itching around you can be used as a stuff that is worth selling and becomes a valuable item. For example, to make decorative lighting from PVC pipes or water pipes is to be used as a domestic business or a very profitable business TUTORIAL With the aim of creating many interesting tutorials, inspirational, intelligent, independent knowledge, useful for you and useful for others on the CUT ATOZ channel. To not miss a new video every time, please subscribe, activate, like, share and notation bell so that you do not miss it every time is a new video. Instagram follow Facebook page follow More video home decoration light 1) 2)
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