Can Australia afford to ruin 40-year partnership with China? (Full show)

The navies of the US, the UK and their allies continue to flex their maritime might off the coasts of Taiwan. Beijing responded with military exercises of its own, involving 56 fighter jets sent ominously close to the island. The US is putting pressure on Australia to turn against China despite its deep commercial ties, forged by four decades of trade. Thirty percent of Australian exports go to China, which buys more of said exports than Japan, the US and South Korea combined. They include diamonds, uranium, gold, coal and other natural resources. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of Chinese students enroll in Australian universities. This has meant 28 years of impressive prosperity for Australia. Will bowing to Washington’s bellicosity threaten to make all this prosperity evaporate? And can Australia afford such a course? RT America’s Faran Fronczak has the story. Best-selling author James Bradley joins Rick Sanchez to weigh in. Russian President Putin said he will substantially increase Russian natu
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