Pulsating UFO Lands in Florida Swamp

On the night of March 14, 1965, James W. Flynn, who is a rancher and hunting dog trainer, was camped out for the night in the Florida Everglades. Just as he was settling down for the night, his dogs became restive and upset. He looked around expecting visitors, but instead he sighted a bright light silently and slowly descending about a mile away. Thinking that perhaps an airplane had gotten into trouble and gone down, he prepared his swamp buggy for the journey and set out to render aid if needed. He was guided directly to the spot by the glow which continued unabated. This worried Flynn as he expected to find a burning plane and probably injuries or fatalities. He found neither. When about a quarter mile away, he grounded his swamp buggy and continued on foot. Soon he found himself in a large clearing and he wasn’t alone. Some twenty yards away he saw a circular, cone-shaped object with a pulsating glow. It hovered just above the ground with a slightly perceptible wobbling motion. He detected, after a bit of study, a sound he could only describe as a hum. He estimated the size at well over seventy-five feet in diameter and twenty-five to thirty feet thick. There were four rows of ports or windows encircling the craft, each emitting a yellow light unlike the color of the craft’s overall glow. A partition immediately behind the windows prevented him from seeing any internal details or occupants. For many minutes Flynn just stood there, amazed. He had heard of such things, but, until now, had never really taken them seriously. Overactive imagination, he’d thought. But this was not imagination. It was real. Curiosity overcame fear. He started to approach the craft to get a better look. He never made it. A pencil thin blue light shot out from “somewhere“ on the craft hitting Flynn on the forehead “right between the eyes.“ He was unconscious before he hit the ground. When he regained consciousness, he was partially blind, sluggish, had a terrific headache and a large, sore bruise on his forehead. See complete article at:
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