Agitate, Educate, Organize for #Revolution2030: Ten Years of Far-left Media May Give Us Our Moment!

$upport: Follow: Follow: Socialism for All does not run ads on its material. Please consider becoming a financial contributor on Patreon today for as little as $2/month! In this video: S4A advances a pet theory that: whereas libertarians dominated the Internet in the 2000s and then had a moment in 2010 with the Tea Party; and social democrats dominated the Internet in the 2010s and had a moment in 2020 with Bernie Sanders and the Squad; if the Marxist underground makes a concerted push to saturate the Internet in the 2020s, we may have our moment in or around 2030. The West and especially the USA is ripe for revolutionary change, and I propose making #Revolution2030 our slogan. At this stage, we don’t need all the specifics, just to keep hammering on the class character of all current social problems and see what develops. #s4a #socialismforall #socialism4all #revolution2030 #socialism #communism #marxism #marxismleninism #greenparty #laborunion #labormovement #nevertrump #neverbiden #neverjojo #endcapitalism #endracism #endsexism #endracistcapitalism #endsexistcapitalism #medicareforall #imperialism #antiwar #capitalismkills #audiobook
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