Kevin Carpenter :: Being RESTful with billions of dollars in transactions

Being RESTful with billions of dollars in transactions, thanks to C , JSON and HTTP. Presented at Core C 2023 conference. In this talk I provide my experience on the last three years of building restful interfaces in C using nlohmann::json and cpp-httplib. I will present a case study showing you the basics of how each of these header only libraries work, teasing out the pros and cons for our companies needs. Some insights into how Restful APIs like Stripe are created will be provided, and we’ll look at how using, and converting to strong types using proper design patterns can make your life easier if you go down the same route. Throughout the talk, I’ll specifically share in the experience gained from implementing RESTful APIs in credit card transaction systems with Mastercard/Visa. Join this session to learn how you can use JSON and/or HTTP to interface with almost anything. ----- Kevin Carpenter I have in technology for over 30 years, 17 of those developing applications for in C . The last fourteen years have been working in finance. First on the modeling and simulation side and now more recently in the transaction processing. Taking over a legacy application has been an adventure in not only managing the code but finding ways to bring it into the current century while still maintaining business ROI for all the changes that are made.
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