【Tora-san】 tried dancing to Love Words (Ai Kotoba) 【Kohaku。】 sm22187611

Uploaded: Nov 04, 2013 20:39 【Tora-san】 tried dancing to Love Words (Ai Kotoba) 【Kohaku。】【Tora-san】 tried dancing to Love Words (Ai Kotoba) 【Kohaku。】Nicopedia Views: 24,645Comments: 2My Lists: 326Ranking: Danced_it Past Category Standing: N/A (Best:3) Share▼ ニコルミオン Follow Watch this uploader’s other videos Video Description To you who turned 18. Taku-san, when you were 17, let me thank you through dancing. Even until now, and in the future, I will continue to support you and keep you running. Kohaku。 @g_h_haku Tora-san @niko_tora3 mylist/29593746 Thank you so much。 Original :sm7696158 Sound Source:sm16062305 Choreography:sm16062305 Shooting・Editing・Proxy:Nikorumion Advertisement:YSYochi-san, Shima-san ☆nagare☆-san, thank you!!
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