What You Should Really Know About Spam

Whether you love or hate Spam, there is no denying that it’s a versatile food item that you can do a lot with. If you ever need to spruce up your fried rice, just add some Spam, and you’ve got yourself a hearty and carb-filled meal. You can even melt it with your favorite cheese in a quesadilla or roll it up into sushi, if you are not a fan of fish. This canned meat has been making it into households since the 1930s, and it will not slow down anytime soon. However, there is actually more to Spam than you know about. It has quite the history, so let’s take a look at what you should know about Spam. #Spam #Food #Meals Mystery meat, mystery name | 0:00 Not so mysterious meat | 0:54 Gordon Ramsay hates it | 1:25 It helped win the war | 1:58 It might have saved Hawaii | 2:49 The Monty Python effect | 3:47 Spam by the numbers | 4:32 Read Full Article:
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