Days, Weeks And Months Of The Year (4k)

Neena and Tiger are going away for some time. Appu realizes that he should learn all about days and months to keep track of when he’ll meet his friends. Appu is all enthusiastic about it. We all know that he’ll learn at the first glance, but what about all the other non-yogic animals? Neena finds an easy way to teach them all the days of the week and months of the year. She sings a song that she makes up. Do you know the days of the week by heart? Here is a song that will certainly come in handy, if you are still trying to learn them! You’ll also learn the name of the months. Watch the fun unfold as the friends discover the length of time. Appu creates visuals for them too... This is a calendar that is bound to stay in your mind. This is an episode that is bound to make an impression in your mind. Happy learning! Our YouTube Channels: English Channel: Hindi Channel: Kannada Channel:
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