Prediction on Canada for the months of December -22, January and February 2023 Crystal Ball - Tarot
Svensk text (hittas under “inställningar“ ikonen“ i det nedre högra hörnet)
English Subtitles - Sous-titres français -Polskie napisy - Subtitulos en españ more..
Izabela is doing a prediction video on the country of Canada for the months of December 2022, January and February 2023 with the help of Crystal Ball and Tarot Cards.
If you miss a specific language in the subtitles just mail me and I will add that language to the subtitle list. This I can only do to the videos that already have subtitles.
At the moment due to an overload of work I will have a pause in doing personal readings. In January I will come out with more information for those who would like to have a personal reading.
There will be an option to have a longer reading done through Skype or a 1-4 question reading where I can answer your questions with a text or a sound file Mp3 if that is what you would like to have.