「L❀S」Love Me Like You Do [[Sasu♥Ino]]

THIS IS OUR FIRST MEP If you don’t like the Couple: Leave. WOW ! This turned out soooooo amazing!! I can’t believe it! BUT We have awesome Members and an awesome Couple, SO it wsa obvious that this would turn out so well ♥ This is the first MEP I hosted, where I got all parts on time! I’m so glad to be with you x3 Editors: ~1: Sasuke-Sama ~2: Kawaii Cosmo ~3: KarenNanami ~4: FoxyCassieAMVs ~5: Chanteara Mystel ~6: xXMooniieXx ~7: thekittycatneko Song: L0ve M3 lik3 y0u d0 Artist: 3lli G0ulding SasuIno - A posi
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