In This Sign Conquer | Jonathan Cahn Special | The Return of The Gods

Jonathan Cahn speaks about the sign of the cross that Roman Emperor Constantine The Great saw in the sky. The cross became the sign of the transformation of a pagan civilization into a Christian one. However, today there is a new sign in America that represents the return of paganism and threatens the end of Christianity. Check out the new teaching on The Return Of The Gods. SUBSCRIBE: To get in touch with Jonathan Cahn’s ministry, to receive more, including Free Gifts and Updates, or to be part in the Great Commission, go to: Check out Jonathan Cahn Facebook: Or write to: Hope of the World, Box 1111, Lodi, NJ 07644 To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The Return Of The Gods - or his other prophetic books: The Harbinger II, The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, & more - j
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