Про метеорит Кейп-Йорк и инуитов, доставленных в США
And the boy who fought the museum that took everything from him.
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In 1897, American explorer Robert Peary returned from his latest Arctic expedition to Greenland with an enormous iron meteorite, which he had taken from a small tribe of Greenlandic Inuit, the Inughuit. Also on board his ship were six Inughuit. Peary had convinced them to come with him to New York to be studied by the American Museum of Natural History in exchange for guns and tools. But soon after getting back to New York, Peary left on a promotional speaking tour. The six Inughuit never saw him again.
Within a few months of exposure to the warmer climate, four of the Inughuit — Qisuk, Nuktaq, Atangana, and Aviaq — had died of respiratory disease. And another, Uisaakasak, asked to return to Greenland on one of Peary’s ships. The only Inuk left was 9-year-old Minik, Qisuk’s son. The museum officials told Minik they buried his father’s body, but that was a lie. They had actu
11 years ago 00:02:22 1.5K
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