The Nude Latitude - Free Range Sailing Ep 31

The wind arrives so we say goodbye to the Northern Territory and set sail east across the Gulf of Carpentaria, destination Weipa in north-west Queensland. It’s our most interesting crossing yet despite being stuck in the doldrums for a significant amount of time! Watch as we swim with a school of sharks, sail the edge of a storm system, catch a sailfish and some delicious tuna for the fridge. With temperatures remaining around 32º and humidity around 98% all day and all night, it’s hardly surprising we do most of it in the nick! The Binocular Fund: Want more? Become our patron! Follow us on instagram Follow us on FaceBook Music Credits 0:21 & 23:15 Blue Creek Trail - Dan Lebowitz (YouTube Audio Library) 2:43 To Hide Their Secrets - Chris Zabriskie () 4:13
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