Plans for the First Space Hotel Revealed | NowThis

Want to vacation in Earth’s orbit? The Von Braun Space Station could be the first hotel in space. » Subscribe to NowThis: » Sign up for our newsletter KnowThis to get the biggest stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox: In current events today, this NowThis News video is revealing plans for a space hotel called the Von Braun Space Station. Right now the International Space Station is the only place where humans can live in space, but this luxury space hotel would the first hotel in space and provide a destination for space tourists to engage in orbital space travel. Space tourism is a burgeoning industry with Orion Span also planning to build a space hotel called the Aurora Station and companies including Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, and Blue Origin all hoping to other space trips in the future. #Space #SpaceHotel #Hotel #Tech #Science #News #NowThis #NowThisNews Connect with NowThis » Like us on Facebook
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