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‘We know the future doesn’t necessarily proceed along a single course. There ought to be a future we can ’s up to us to find it’ - Kiyoko, Akira. I know this is a dumb day to upload content, but this one is for everyone feeling a little uncertain about the future or having to spend tonight alone, through whatever circumstance or preference. Sorry if it’s a bit rough, I was doing it at 4am this morning and I think perhaps it shows in all the errors (and my very sad sleepy eeyore face haha). Thank you all so much for still listening. Growing up I never dreamed that I’d make electronic music let alone that anybody would ever listen if I did and I’m so tearily grateful just typing this. I honestly wish you all the hope and happiness in the world, you lovely fellow humans who are by chance living in this strange world all at the same time. In my humble opinion, we are all as a species slowly getting kinder and more thoughtful and that notion makes the future a little less terrifying for me. Love you all, you’re doing great - happy new year x
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