Super Mario 64 is a Free Masonic and Illuminist Digital Ritual

It’s October and it’s real spooky hours, so here I am with these theory video. Super Mario 64, whether you play it on the Nintendo 64, the Nintendo DS or on the Nintendo Switch is a game that is theorized to hold a lot of Free Masonic, Illuminist, religious and occult imagery, which is all the same or intertwined depending on who you ask. This theory stems from Owenbroadcast on Twitter so if you’re into all of this, check him out. LINKS FURTHER IN DESCRIPTION. OWENBROADCAST TWITTER ► “super mario 64 is a free masonic and illuminist digital ritual” THREAD ► SUBSCRIBE ► TWITTER ► INSTAGRAM ► TWITCH ► CHECK OUT THE DISCORD! ► CHANNEL ART BY Harru YouTube ► Instagram ► https
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