Landing Craft - Gliders (1944)

Unissued / unused material - dates and location unclear or unknown. Various shots around Invasion beach heads. Sunk tanks and landing craft on beach. Bren gun carrier being loaded onto landing craft. Other tracked vehicle loaded. Artillery shells prepared. Pan across large number of landing craft covered in camouflage netting in preparation for D Day. Shot of British troops on landing craft on way to France. Spacing - British troops play cricket in camp just prior to D Day. Various shots of men of the Parachute regiment moving equipment to load gliders. Various shots of equipment being loaded onto gliders. Gliders are being painted with stripes. Pan across air field with lots of gliders lined up. More shots of Paras moving material onto gliders. CU cartoon style painting of Adolf Hitler - Knives are thrown at it. VS of NCOs of the Parachute regiments being briefed by senior officer. CUs of Paras. Glider troops prepare for invasion in camp. VS of carrier pigeon being put in case for
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