Kilmaine Saints - Pg Mo Thin

Текст с Bandcamp’a: “Verse 1 It’s Saturday night and we’re playing a show One shot of whiskey, one foot out the door I kiss the kids goodbye and I hop in the car But when your battery’s dead you don’t make it too far Verse 2 Get to the gig about one hour late The gear’s all loaded and the bands in a state The lead cut his thumb and the fiddler’s sick The pipers are drunk and the drummer’s a... Chorus Póg Mo Thóin to the boys in the band as I sip black and tan So sing along and raise up your glass Póg Mo Thóin, they can all kiss my ass Verse 3 We start the 1st set & the club is half full Everyone is sitting on chairs and bar stools There’s one girl dancing, she knows all our words To hell with the rest of ya’, I’m singing for her Verse 4 We play our new song and the bass starts too fast Accordion gets lost and the banjo sounds flat I start the 4th verse, forget half the words So I sing anyway, it goes “something something...” Chorus Póg Mo Thóin to the slugs at the bar Póg Mo Thóin you know who you are A wink your way as I raise up my glass Póg Mo Thóin, you can all kiss my ass Verse 5 We end the show, say goodbye to the crowd The manager tells us “you played WAY too loud! You drove off my patrons, drank 33 pints You’ll get no more pay, so piss off and good night” Verse 6 It’s 4 AM as I walk through the door I’m smelling quite rank as I strip to the floor I crawl into bed, hold my beautiful wife Then she pushes me away as she twists the last knife Chorus Póg Mo Thóin, were you swimming in beer?! You smell like a bum, don’t you even come near! Póg Mo Thóin, turn off that damn light So Póg Mo Thóin, kiss my ass and good night!! Words and Music 2010 M. McNaughton from The Good, The Plaid and the Ugly, released July 17, 2010“
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