【One Ex Exile | Ep.1】“Can u CoC with only 1ex?“ // Beltimbers CoC Ice Spear/CF

【One Ex Exile】Episode 1 is here! Based on the highest vote(From community post), we accepted the challenge and managed to make a “reasonable“ CoC build with only 1ex! :) Here’s our Raider CoC Ice Spear/CF with beltimbers! // Build Overview & Questions(???) // 【Why Raider?】 * Because of its speed to trigger more spells (and hit a certain trigger rate to perform well) * Will you have insufficient Crit rate if go with raider only 1ex? Yes, with proper set up and passive pathing, u able to hit consistent crit rate even with low budget 【Why Beltimber instead of Cospri?】 * Because with cospri, mana cost is a huge concern * A well-divined cospri may exceed our 1ex budget * Beltimbers work very well with projectile skills, especially with ice spear & CF(Shotgun)
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