The Sky Is Ours (1955)

RAF College, Cranwell, Lincolnshire. Aerial view of grand building - Cranwell College. MS looking through gates at college, gates open. Title reads: “Associated British Pathe presents THE SKY IS OURS“. Credits: photographed by Bernard Till, Stan Goozee, edited by Lionel Hoare, John Farrow, W. S. Bland, sound - George Newberry, Nolan Roberts, production manager - Fred Smith, commentary written by John Pudney, music composed by Guy Warrack, musical director Muir Mathieson, with the Central Band of the Royal Air Force, under direction of Wing Commander Sims and the Band of the RAF College Cranwell ... Produced by Howard Thomas, directed by Terry Ashwood. VS Chipmunk plane landing on field at Cranwell. VS cadets marching through college grounds, narrator names one cadet as Frank Walker. VS pilots getting out of plane and taking off helmets, one is cadet Robert Campbell and the other his flying instructor. Cadets marching past college building. Interior. VS cadets walking around college corr
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