Lindsey Stirling VIP Q&A

I was fortunate enough to be a VIP for Lindsey Stirling’s concert in Houston at the House of Blues. I recorded her entire Q&A session as well as her playing a private performance of Elements. However, because I am so close the camera ONLY picked up bass during her performance even though the violin was perfectly clear live. Soooo I STRONGLY suggest you mute your sound from about 9:00 on. My camera cut her performance started recording again but it’s pretty much just booming bass noises so I decided to leave the rest out lol. Also, I apologize for the shakiness of the was excited and also getting used to the camera it was the first time I used it. Please check out: Lindsey is an amazingly talented lady. I was incredibly fortunate enough to meet her and she was an all around class act. If you have the opportunity to see her in concert... DO IT!
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