Ultra Instinct Shaggy is Real.

Ultra Instinct Shaggy, Scooby-Doo’s most powerful man, is canon. Warner Bros. unveiled a special opening to Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms. Shaggy Rogers (and Scooby-Doo) make a cameo here, but with a twist: he’s powered up and destroys Scorpion. Ultra Instinct Shaggy’s cameo in this Warner Bros. opening is surprising, but not completely out of nowhere. A while back, there were jokes for Shaggy to join Mortal Kombat’s roster. Not only that, but Big Chungus was declared canon in Looney Tunes: World of Mayhem and Space Jam 2. Memes are becoming real. Welcome to Vailskibum94! Cartoon News ✧ Reviews ✧ Discussions
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