birth or Topsy Senior

The very first playing of this new 64 MIDI organ, always a special moment, no tears this time but a lot of emotion, having built everything to this high standard and not being able to play any music. The organ was built using John Smiths Topsy information, same pipes and system but built into a much larger case with all pipes on display. Brian built everything as seen and tested each pipe individually in situ before having all the wiring connected to the decoder. Ok there is still a lot to do but still a very satisfactory first play. There were a few pipes not sounding where the home made valves need adjusting, one or two pipes need slight adjustment, the registers need return springs and the Glockenspiel bars and hammers, all made, need to be fitted. Look out for this special organ next year in the Midlands area. Well done that man. The music being played is a small part of Alan Pells 64 note Barnum medley, one of a number of his superbe value for money organ midi arrangements.
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