20th Anniversary of the Repose of Blessed Fr. Seraphim Rose

This is a very special video, a digest of events and talks from the 20th anniversary of Father Seraphim’s repose, held at St Herman of Alaska Monastery in Platina CA in 2002. Originally produced and made available by the Father Seraphim Rose Foundation, the DVD and VHS versions seem to no longer be available, so I am posting this online for the edification of the faithful. Features brief audio clips of Fr Seraphim’s talks, a sermon at the Divine Liturgy by Fr Thomas Hopko, some wonderful remarks at the luncheon by Hieromonk Damascene, some warm and edifying personal recollections of Father Seraphim by another of his spiritual children, Fr Alexey Young (Hieromonk Ambrose in monastic tonsure), and much more. Observant viewers will spot then-Abbott Fr. Gerasim, as well as Abbott Jonah (Paffhausen), founder of the Monastery of St John of San Francisco.
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