Video of Litvinenko and other FSB agents speaking 10 years ago

SHOTLIST CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: The then active members of the Federal Security Service (FSB) who took part in the interview are (from left to right): Lt. Col. Alexander Gusak, head of the 7th Unit for the Struggle against Banditism of the FSB Department for Curbing the Activity of Criminal Organisations; Lt. Col. Alexander Litvinenko, deputy head of the 7th Unit; (Sergei Dorenko, the journalist) is third from the left); Maj. Andrei Ponkin, senior operative of the 7th Unit. Moscow, March 21, 2007 AP Television News 1. Wide shot corridor of Echo of Moscow radio station, with investigative Russian journalist Sergei Dorenko (right) 2. Wide shot framed photographs of radio talk show guests, zoom in to Russian president Vladimir Putin 3. Mid shot Dorenko 4. SOUNDBITE (RUSSIAN) Sergei Dorenko, Journalist “I arrived at what was a kind of guesthouse in the countryside. There were three of them: (Lt. Col. Alexander) Gusak, (Maj. Andrei) Pronkin and (Lt. Col. Alexander) L
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