Window Dummies (1957)

London. M/S of a man sculpting female’s head. C/U shot of an artist working on the head. C/U shot of the head. The sculptor is Mr Winston Clark, manufacturer of window dummies. He is sculpting dummy’s head. This is, according to voiceover, the first stage in process of making window dummies. From this head, once it is finished, a mould is made for plaster reproductions. Voiceover continues to explain the process, material, work involved etc. M/S of a man in a woollen cap (Eddie Benson) putting plaster into model plaster cast. C/U shot of a hand putting plaster into plaster cast. C/U shot of the face of another man (Peter Togler) as he works. Succession of shots showing how the plaster is put into cast, tied together to form particular body part and left to set until the cast is ready to come off. M/S of two men taking the cast off to reveal dummy’s lower body. Several shots of the men trimming and sand papering different parts of dummies’ bodies. After being sand papered dummies are sprayed with col
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