Heyo! :D It’s Sara-chan here.
I finally got a new PC!! \(*A*)/ I’m soo happy ♡
I’ve been editing all afternoon and for once it was so relaxing (=▽=) Sony Vegas never crashed and everything was extremely fluid, it’s a dream come true ;u;
However.. some days ago I watched BlackSnow last video *We are not afraid - Nala & Vitani ~ TLK crossover* and it made me think about “Hey, what if Nala and the lionesses rebelled to Scar before Simba’s return? What would have happened??“ and so today I made this little crossover ^^
For the “visual style“ it’s pretty clear from whom I took inspiration: my
...favorite crossover editor, Clover ♥
I hope you like it, good watching!!
★ BlackSnow Nala & Vitani video:
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