Cars Little Song - Hit Single Real

HOLD Q TO CALL. ME CAHHHRRR!!! Composed by @Floombo (i think) : (Unlocked by freeing Car in Car’s Mt in Garn47) HIT SINGLE REAL: Lyrics: Hello my name is car and I made this song for everyone! Enjoy is please aahehe! Open all your eyes. See that my name... is Car, car, car! Tell me, you got it, right? Let me say it one more time! CAR I once met a man. His name starts with a G! Thanks to him... I now have... 47 friends... and you’re one! I’ll always be here. Forever free. Look ahead... Grow with me! Open all your eyes. See that my name... is Car, car, car! Tell me, you got it, right? Let me say it one more time! CAR (Gameplay)
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