4 NEW Psychedelics Trial Updates in 1 Day | Psilocybin, LSD, 18MC + Microdosing [MNMD, CMPS, FH]

Whether or not psychedelic medicines will become legalized to treat patients with mental health conditions will ultimately rest on whether clinical trials treating conditions with compounds like psilocybin are successful. This is why today’s news is so exciting. We got updates on four separate clinical trials. First, is new data from a phase 1 clinical trial using Compass Pathways (Nasdaq: CMPS) Comp360 psilocybin. This trial added to the growing data showing that large doses of psilocybin are safe to take. It also showed no negative cognitive side effects of taking the drug. Next, we got updates on two MindMed (Nasdaq: MNMD, NEO: MMED) trials. First, we found out about a new phase 1 trial which will combine LSD with SSRIs. This will be important, because we need to know whether mental health patients with disorders like major depressive disorder can remain on their prescriptions when undergoing psychedelic therapy. Next, MindMed announced that their phase 1 clinical trial attempting
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