Trying Out the Winsor and Newton Cotman Sketchers Pocket Palette Set! Watercolor Kit Review. 🎨

Enjoy this video of me testing out/making color swatched of these Cotman paints, and doing just a little bit of color mixing! I’d love to make a fuller length video creating a painting using just these colors if that would interest anyone, it’s fun to paint with a limited palette like this and see just how many interesting colors you can get! This set was the FIRST watercolor kit I ever used, so this felt a little bit like coming home. I forgot how much I enjoyed some of these colors! Enjoy! ✨Supplies Used In This Painting✨ Winsor and Newton Cotman Pocket Palette Set: Winsor and Newton Cotma...n Brushes: Strathmore Watercolor Paper: ✨Colors In This Set✨ Lemon Yellow Hue Cadmium Yellow Hue Cadmium Red Hue Alizarin Crimson Hue Ultramarine Pthalo Blue Veridian Sap Green Yellow Ochre Burnt Sienna Burnt Umber Chinese White ✨Connect with me!✨ Website: Instagram: Subscribe:
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