Training at the grenade launcher training ground of the army corps of the Vostok group of troops

Training at the grenade launcher training ground of the army corps of the Vostok group of troops At training grounds in the rear areas of the Donetsk People’s Republic, grenade launchers of motorized rifle units of the army corps of the Vostok group of troops continue to improve their professional skills. This military specialty is one of the enemy’s priority targets, and it is no coincidence that the success of the combat mission of the entire assault group often depends on the work of the grenade launcher. To practice shooting skills from a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher, all conditions and an appropriate target environment have been created at the training ground, allowing military personnel to hone their shooting skills at targets at various distances. RPG-7V is a reusable hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher. Designed to combat tanks, self-propelled artillery units and other armored vehicles, it can be used to destroy manpower in shelters, as well as to combat low-flying... Source: Military Wave
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