GMO Foods - French Study

I’m aware there were problems pointed out with the thoroughness of this study, it’s inability to draw valid conclusions as well as knowingly invalid slander against the study. It’s a mess that I am still wading through. But for me it calls to question whether we have complete unobstructed testing for this new genetically modified food that has been dumped into the North American food supply. Monsanto certainly seems in control, having their execs within the FDA, and with it’s patents that do not permit testing unless under their strict rules. And since money seems to be the main impetus that makes science happen, it seems only public demand will result in objective findings. I actually have no qualms with the general theory and researching of genetic engineering. I imagine great things are possible — man is constantly understanding and gaining better control of the physical universe. But I do have a problem with abusing the public, obstructed science and irresponsible corporations and corrupt governments tha
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