🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that “Israel is entering a long and difficult war,“ obviously preparing publ

🇮🇱🇵🇸 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that “Israel is entering a long and difficult war,“ obviously preparing public opinion for a large-scale land operation. The stakes in the confrontation continue to rise. However, despite previous statements about the “completion of the first phase of operations“ in southern Israel, the cleansing of the territories occupied by Hamas militants has not yet been completed. In the footage at these minutes, fighting continues with the use of heavy equipment at the administrative buildings in Sderot. Probably, similar actions are being taken in other settlements, where small groups of Palestinian militants of 10-20 people managed to gain a foothold. Meanwhile, the Israeli Air Force continues bombing the Gaza Strip. Representatives of the Israeli army are calling on residents of the region to leave their places of residence for security reasons. A few hours earlier, Netanyahu had promised to turn the Hamas headquarters in Gaza into ruins.️🇵🇸 Palestinian Rocket Attacks have managed to damage the Israeli infrastructure in several cities, severely. Источник: Lord Of War
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