Something Very Demonic And Bizarre Is Being Seen At These Churches Across America

Something Very Demonic And Bizarre Is Being Seen At These Churches Across America šŸ”¹ GĪŸDRULĪ•S LĪ™NKS HERE - šŸ”ø ĪĪŸAH VR GAME Ī”RĪŸJECT - šŸ“² Ī’UĪ„ Ī”RĪ™NTED VĪ•RSIĪŸN ĪŸF LĪŸST WĪ‘YS - šŸ”¹ HOW ĪŸUR Ī‘NCESĪ¤ORS SURVĪ™VĪ•D W/OUĪ¤ ELECĪ¤RĪ™CITĪ„! - šŸ”ø GĪ•T Ī•ĪœERGĪ•NCĪ„ FĪŸĪŸD SUĪ”Ī”LĪ„ WĪ™TH 25 Ī„R SĪ—Ī•LF-LĪ™FĪ• - In this latest video, I talk about something bizarre that the Vatican just recently said and what many people think of it. The day on which they said this is also very interesting, and I go into detail talking about this. Then, I talk about how this relates to the Year of the Dragon. I show how this year matches the year 480 BC during the time of Esther and the darkness of that time. Next, I talk about a dream Merlin the Magician had about two dragons fighting and how this fortells the future. Last, I talk about John Dee and how it relates to ancient Greek literature and how these ancient legends tell us more than people realize.
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